you are suffering from pain, swelling, redness or bleeding of the gums when you brush or floss, you may be suffering from periodontal disease.
Periodontal Disease, or gum disease, is a chronic bacterial infection that affects the gums and bone supporting the teeth. It all starts with the buildup of plaque and tartar below the gum line, causing inflammation of the gums known as gingivitis. Over time, plaque will continue to spread below the gum line, creating gaps that hold bacteria and causing excess swelling of the gums. Unfortunately, if periodontal disease is left untreated, it will eventually break down and destroy surrounding tissues and bones, resulting in tooth loss.
Luckily, there is a non-surgical treatment for periodontal disease that is non-invasive, comfortable, and requires minimal recovery time.
Periodontal microtherapy is a great treatment option requiring several precise steps that target the elimination of any harmful bacteria and disease in the mouth. These steps include the use of high-powered magnification, special fiber-optic lighting, and specialized micro-instruments. Microtherapy treatment allows for minimal trauma to the gums and surrounding tissues, leading to less post-treatment pain and discomfort.
There are several types of periodontal microtherapy, including:

1. Bacterial Culturing

This is a fairly new treatment, where a sample of the bacteria is painlessly retrieved from around the infected gums and is tested to identify the specific bacteria. This helps in choosing the right antibiotics and treatment for each patient.

2. Subgingival debridement

Also known as scaling and root planing, this is a non-surgical treatment that uses local anesthesia and micro-ultrasonic waves for a detailed cleaning of the teeth to remove any plaque or tartar buildup for the removal of bacteria. Dentists often recommend this treatment to begin with.

3. Atridox

This treatment uses medicated gel under the infected gums and tissue that slowly releases antibiotics within a ten day span. This is a great non-invasive treatment option for isolated infections.

4. Arestin

This treatment uses a medicated powder, also known as microspheres, in which they slowly release antibiotics to the infected area and needs to be repeated for the best results. Arestin is mainly used when scaling and root planing are performed.

5. Periostat

This treatment uses an oral pill that blocks the effects of the collagenase enzyme and helps to reduce bone-loss surrounding the teeth.

6. Periodontal Microsurgery

This surgical treatment uses high-powered surgical telescopes and fiber-optic lighting for a less-invasive treatment involving minimal tissue trauma. Due to the small size of the instruments and magnification used in the surgery, there is a more precise closure and results in a quicker, less painful recovery.
Although some cases of periodontal disease have been linked to family history, certain illnesses and specific medications, it is mostly caused by poor dental hygiene and bad habits, such as smoking. It is recommended to seek treatment with your dentist right away if you think you suffer from periodontal disease.

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